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Frequently Asked Questions

The district uses several types of tests. Beyond the CogAT given to all 1st and 3rd graders and MAP Reading/Math given to all students, the district does not disclose the names of the assessments used. The assessments used are subject to change periodically. Furthermore, HPISD does not support the use of course materials as they can skew results making it more difficult to appropriately place your child. Preparation beyond what is district provided often leads to increased test anxiety and the inverse of desired results.

Most of the assessments will remain the same regardless of the TAG placement your child may already have.

Once placed in Gifted Services, students do not need to be reassessed unless the student is no longer experiencing success. At this point, a committee will decide if reassessment is appropriate. If students move out of the district and return they will be placed in TAG classes with some parameters such as amount of time away from the district and services received while gone. See the information located on the New Student Registration page.

No, a nomination is not necessary to register your child for assessments. Teachers can provide information about how your child is performing academically compared to their peers to help you make a decision about registration, but they cannot definitively determine if TAG services are appropriate as placement is a committee decision based upon many factors.

No, High School AP and Honor courses are open enrollment. These courses often have prerequisites, but are generally available to all students. The High School counselors are available to assist students when the time comes to register for these courses. Some AP and Honor courses are also designated as TAG which are available to TAG students. These courses provided differentiation beyond the AP and Honor standards appropriate for TAG students.

The district provides many assessments as data points to help you make the decision as to whether TAG services might be appropriate for your child. The CogAT which is administered in 1st and 3rd grade as well as the MAP assessment provides valuable information about your child. Students performing near the 97th percentile in either of these assessments may need TAG services. You may also reach out to your child's teacher(s) for information about how they are performing in class when compared to their peers.