Professional Development
Kindergarten, first grade, and TAG teachers (all subjects) must have a minimum of thirty (30) clock hours of professional development that includes the Nature and Needs of the Gifted, Assessment, and Identification, and Curriculum and Instruction for Gifted Students. The 30 hours is now known as the Foundations courses. In addition, a minimum of six clock hours of continuing education in GT must be earned annually after completing the Foundation Courses.
As part of the Region 10 Advanced Academics Cooperative, HPISD teachers may attend any session for free. All designated Gifted and Talented courses through Region 10 will be counted for TAG hours (30 hours or Update, depending on the course). Select the link below to see a schedule of all in-person and hybrid courses offered by Region 10.
Region 10 course offerings for GT training.
Region 10 also offers online professional learning. Please note that FOUNDATION COURSES 1&2 must be taken in person. Foundation courses 3-5 may be taken in person or online. Teachers must create a login and be signed-in to the Region 10 site to receive these courses for free. Select the link below to see all online offerings for Region 10.
Region 10 schedule of online courses
After registering and attending a training, the faculty member is responsible for submitting the certificate and hours into Eduphoria under the appropriate TAG label. Please see THESE DIRECTIONS for submitting the certificate for credit. Approval for attendance and substitute coverage during the school year must be granted by your building supervisor.
Additional HPISD in-district course offerings will be provided each summer. Email Ericca Vandagriff for additional information.