Submitting Annual Proof of Residency
Highland Park ISD requires annual proof of residency for each family. This is a standard practice in many other school districts, and it is intended to protect taxpayers whose dollars pay for the excellent education our students receive.
Click here to access the Annual Proof of Residency online submission form.
If the student’s residency paperwork is complete and current, only the following is required for annual proof of residency:
- All pages of a water or electric bill saved as a PDF (No gas, phone or cable)
- Dates of service (not billing dates) during June, July or August 2024
- Address matches the family’s in-district address as listed in Skyward
- Each student’s ID #, name, campus and grade level must be submitted along with each family’s water or electric bill saved as a PDF
If your family’s residence has changed, please submit the following documents along with the student’s ID #, name, campus and grade level:
- For a renewing lease - Copies of the 1) lease renewal and 2) water or electric bill
- For a new lease - Copies of the 1) new lease and 2) water or electric bill and 3) new driver’s license
- For a change of address – Copies of the 1) warranty deed or deed of trust or settlement statement or lease and 2) water or electric bill and 3) new driver’s license
If you live in a residence in which all bills are paid through the lease or homeowner's dues, please use the district affidavit to submit in lieu of the bill. Click below to download the affidavit.
If your lease has changed to month-to-month after the lease term ends, please use the district affidavit to submit in lieu of the lease renewal. Click below to download the affidavit.
Click here to access the Annual Proof of Residency online submission form.
- Your PDF of the water/electric bill must be less than 8 MB in size to submit it through the online form.
- If you have more than one student, please click on the instruction to add another student to the same submission.
- If you fail to receive an automated email acknowledgment of receipt for the online submission, send an email to [email protected]. Expect a second email that either acknowledges completion or reports an error.
- If you have questions about HPISD’s proof of residency requirement, please contact the HPISD Director of Student Services at [email protected].
Click HERE to read an FAQ about proof of residency.