Highland Park ISD Police Department
Overview of Services:
The Highland Park ISD Police Department has the primary responsibility of providing for the safety and security of students, faculty, staff, and visitors. The Police Department has the responsibility of dealing with the following areas:
- Emergency management and Safety Audits for HPISD
- Liaison and coordination with all other emergency response agencies (law enforcement, fire, EMS, etc.)
- Coordination and monitoring of all criminal investigations involving HPISD
- Access control
- Alarm Monitoring
- Visitor Access/Check-in
- Safety and Security Training
- Crossing Guards
- Video Surveillance
- District Radio Communications
- Coordination of DARE and School Resource Officers
The safety and security of all within HPISD is of the utmost importance. As HPISD continues to be at the forefront of academic success, we will also endeavor to be the leader in the safety and security of our schools.
Contact HPISD Police: