Testing and Placement Overview
HIghland Park ISD provides students an opportunity to be evaluated for Gifted Services once per academic year. Students placed in TAG Services exhibit a preponderance of evidence in both quantitative and qualitative measures including ability, achievement, and creativity assessments as well as input from parents and teachers.
- MAP assessments are administered in the classroom by the classroom teacher. Results from student's MAP assessments are viewed by the Campus Placement Committee as part of each student's overall data that is considered for TAG placement. High scores in MAP alone do not indicate a need for TAG Services.
- The Cognitive Ability Test (CogAT) is administered to all 1st and 3rd Grade students. This assessment is used to determine a need for a number of services including Talented and Gifted. Results from this assessment will be posted to each student's Skyward portfolio to assist parents in making the decision to register their child for TAG Testing.
Selection Committee
Parent Notification and TAG Placement
Testing scores and TAG placement decisions will be made available for parents in each child's Skyward Portfolio. Students that are placed in TAG Services will begin the following academic year unless notified differently. Schedules for students in secondary classes will automatically be adjusted to reflect TAG Classes. If parents have any questions about a student's schedule, they should reach out to the campus counselor.