TAG Waivers
TAG Waivers are for high school students only (9th-12th grade) and must be renewed each year. All waivers must be completed the year before the class is requested. Therefore, current 8th-grade students in TAG services must complete the waiver in 8th grade for 9th-grade placement and so on.
There are two types of waivers:
1. Currently identified TAG students (current 8th-11th grades)- TAG students may complete a waiver to take courses outside of their current identification/placement. Example: a TAG math identified student who would like to take TAG English.
2. Non-identified TAG students (current 10th-11th graders)- students not identified in TAG services may complete a waiver to take TAG courses in 11th-12th grades only. Please note: the waiver would be completed during 10th/11th grades.
The High School Campus Selection Committee reviews waivers, current grades, and standardized test scores when determining approval. Students should show an achievement level in the 90th percent/percentile in MORE than one data point in order to qualify for a TAG Waiver. Completing a waiver does NOT mean the student will automatically be enrolled in TAG courses. Students who were approved for a waiver in a previous year are not guaranteed a waiver for any subsequent year. Waivers must be submitted annually.