Parent Education Committee
Welcome to the Highland Park Independent School District's Parent Education Committee (PEC) webpage! The purpose of the Parent Education Committee is to provide speakers, educational programs and educational resources to HPISD families concerning topics relevant to rearing our children to become healthy and responsible adults.
Our focus:
Our “job” as parents is to raise our kids well and to the best of our ability. Ultimately, most of us hope our efforts result in children who are healthy and happy. But what does that mean?
Healthy = physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially capable of dealing with today’s pressures, challenges and opportunities; being able to consistently put their best foot forward for themselves and the people around them.
Happy = well-balanced, not too stressed or anxious, connected with family and friends, and engaged in their life’s passions and callings.
Humans = they’re not machines or superheroes. They’re going to make mistakes, experience failures and need our guidance, boundaries and support...and we need to love them through it all (because growing up is harder than ever!)
The PEC is excited to offer programs that support these concepts and helps to reinforce families as they raise healthy, happy humans! We hope you’ll join us!
Visit our Upcoming Educational Programs page to learn about Parent Education Committee speakers and events.