Final bond project at HPHS ready on time for first day
A recap of the 2015 bond program work completed during the summer months was presented to the HPISD Board of Trustees at its August meeting, spotlighting the completion of the final projects.
Five and a half years ago, the Highland Park ISD community made a significant financial commitment to the education of HP students through the passage of a historic $361 million bond program to transform every HPISD school, some of which were built nearly 100 years ago, into educational centers designed to support learning for the next century.
The final bond project is the new three-story classroom wing at HPHS that is located where the old natatorium once stood. On the first day of school Aug. 18, students began using the new space.
The cutting-edge space offers new science labs, digital media classrooms and innovative spaces for students to collaborate. Classrooms feature technology connectivity, new furniture and spaces that replicate business and higher education environments.
All that remains to finalize the 2015 Bond Program that was on time and within budget is the external project audits and some minor punchwork.
Watch this video to get an inside glimpse into the transformation of our schools.
A recap of the work completed since the May Board meeting was presented to trustees at its June meeting. Interior work that will be finished by early June includes interior wall sheetrocking in the basement and on the first, second and third floors as well as mechanical, plumbing and electrical work throughout the building. Ceramic tile, ceiling tile, interior painting, concrete floor staining, backfilling of storm pump holding tanks, and installation of light fixtures and lab casework will continue through the summer.
Highland Park High School
The HPHS natatorium infill bond construction project is making visible progress with completed roofing work, exterior bricking and the installation of exterior windows that are all nearly complete. Beautiful cast stone has been installed along the third-floor windows. The exterior wall plaster on the third floor has also begun. Significant progress is also visible on the inside of the new academic wing. Interior wall framing is complete on all three floors and sheetrocking is actively ongoing and the elevator installation is nearly complete. Mechanical, plumbing and electrical rough work are scheduled to be complete by the first of May when interior finishes are scheduled to start.
Highland Park High School
Significant progress has been made on the remaining bond construction projects since students returned from winter break. The new HPHS student entry off Westchester is now complete and the road has been opened to through traffic. The entrance includes wide stair-stepped bench seating for students to gather.
The natatorium infill area looks dramatically different. The structural steel, building decking and concrete slabs are complete and a new classroom wing with labs has replaced the barren ground that existed after the demolition of the old natatorium. Interior wall framing is nearing completion on all three levels of the new building. Mechanical, plumbing and electrical work are also almost complete. Exterior studs have been installed and sheathing on the third level has started. Brickwork is expected to start by early April, keeping the project on schedule for the August 2021 completion date
Hyer Elementary School
The ornamental iron front entry at Hyer Elementary has been installed and painted. A few minor ironwork details and interior punch list items remain. Work is scheduled to be completed this spring.
Bradfield Elementary School
Replacement trees at Bradfield Elementary have also been planted and appear to be taking root.
Hyer Elementary School
Final punch work items are nearing completion at Hyer Elementary School. The millwork in the front entry has been painted and millwork for the main stairwell will be completed next week. The ornamental wrought iron exterior sign that is undergoing restoration is in the process of being installed.
Highland Park High School
Work on the new student entry located on Westchester Drive continues. Ornate street lamps have been installed and concrete has been poured for the north-end exterior stairs. Inside, the new student commons area is fully furnished and in use by students. Furniture has also been installed in the new lecture hall, new classrooms and new collaborative spaces that include interactive boards.
Construction at the natatorium infill area is on schedule for completion in August 2021. The week of Jan. 15, the first and second-floor steel and decking was installed. The first-floor concrete slab was also poured and the slab for the second-floor is scheduled to be poured today.
Highland Park High School
Construction on the new student entry at Highland Park High School is nearing completion and students entered through the new doors for the first time on Jan. 5 when classes resumed after winter break. Interior finishes to the HPHS entry, second-story classrooms and the new lecture hall were all completed during winter break, in time for students to start using the space now.
The 2015 Bond Program is in its final year, and the transformation of mid-20th-century schools and facilities into educational centers designed to empower young learners for the next century is coming to fruition. Here is a recap of recently completed projects and the status of remaining renovations.
Hyer Elementary School
The small playground, outdoor basketball court and large playfield at Hyer Elementary are complete with new equipment and sod. The traditional Hyer wrought iron exterior sign that is being restored is expected to be installed this winter. Inside the new school, millwork in the beautiful arched entryway is complete and final painting projects are underway. Minor interior work will continue throughout the winter.
Highland Park High School
Construction on the new student entry at Highland Park High School is nearing completion. Exterior brick and cast stone installation is on schedule to be completed this month. Interior finishes to the HPHS entry, second-story classrooms and new lecture hall are also on schedule for completion by the end of winter break, in time for students to use the space when classes resume in January.
The natatorium infill area construction at HPHS is progressing. This month, the last basement wall and slab were poured. The new classrooms and labs will start to take shape over the next several months. The new space is scheduled for completion in August 2021.
The district’s fifth elementary, Michael M. Boone Elementary School, officially opened Sept. 8 along with the newly renovated Robert S. Hyer Elementary. The large playground and playfield at Hyer will be completed and ready for students to use by the end of October.
The Multi-Use Building, including the new pool and weight-room, also opened this month. The Sept. 15 Board of Trustees regular meeting was held in the new facility, and the HPISD traditions wall that will be home to an incredible collection of HP memorabilia is starting to take shape. Special thanks to Cindy Kerr ('71) for curating this incredible collection that includes items from Scot legends Doak Walker, Clayton Kershaw and Matthew Stafford.
On track for an Aug. 2021 completion date, the final bond project is the Highland Park High School new student entryway and second three-story addition that will replace the old natatorium. To date, the old natatorium excavation is complete, piers are poured, and basement walls are formed.
Hyer Elementary School received a certificate of occupancy. Minor punch work will be ongoing throughout the fall and winter. Teachers and staff moved into the building and are preparing for remote learning. The campus will be ready to welcome students when in-person learning resumes. Work continues on exterior landscaping and play areas will be ready by late fall.
HPHS renovations are substantially complete including the new stairwell and new clinic. Previously closed corridor access has been opened greatly improving circulation. Construction continues on the west half of Area F, which is the back portion of the new student entry. The new classrooms just west of the competition gym are also finished. The new student entry is scheduled for completion in late December. At the old natatorium site, excavation is complete and piers have been poured.
The Multi-Use Building is complete and has been used for professional development training. Work continues on the pool and is on schedule to be ready at the end of the month. Renovations at Highlander Stadium are substantially complete. Coaches and trainers have moved into the facility.
Boone Elementary School is ready to open prior to the start of school with minor punch work that will continue through the fall.
Images of bond progress for the month of Aug. 2020 may be viewed in the below presentation.