Bullying Policy
Highland Park Independent School District: Procedures for Reporting Allegations of Bullying
The District prohibits bullying, including cyberbullying:
- On school property;
- At school-sponsored or school-related activities on or off school property; or
- In any vehicle being used for transporting students to or from school or a school-sponsored or school-related activity.
Bullying is not tolerated by the District, and any student or parent of a student who believes that the student or another student has experienced bullying or that a student has engaged in bullying is encouraged to immediately report the incident. Retaliation against anyone involved in the reporting process is a violation of District policy and is prohibited. Students or parents may report an alleged incident of bullying, orally or in writing, to a teacher, school counselor, principal, or other District employee.
Students or parents may contact the District to obtain an Incident Report Form that may be used to submit the report. Reports may also be made via a web link or via the Safe2SpeakUp app. A student may report the incident anonymously.
Please note that after submission of the report to the District employee, the District will notify the parent of the alleged victim and the parent of the alleged bully. The District may assign the report to a campus administrator to follow up on the submitted report and any other important matters pertaining to the report. We encourage you to communicate with your designated campus administrator during this time.
More information about the district’s bullying policy can be found in the campus administration office or in policies FFI(LEGAL) and FFI(LOCAL).
Parent Resources:
Internet Safety
- Cyberbullying - What to do if it happens to you!
- Cyber Safety for Parents
- Contract for Responsible Cell Phone Use
- Protecting your Child on the Internet
Parenting Resources
- Grief in Children
- Relaxation Exercises for Children
- Test Anxiety
- Positive Friendship Skills
- Divorced Parent Resources
- Anxiety, Fears, and Phobias
- Children Coping with Stress
- Dealing with Bullying
- Suicide Crisis Center
Anonymous Reporting - Safe2SpeakUP
Highland Park ISD uses Safe2SpeakUP, an anonymous reporting tool that allows our students, your children to submit safety tips to our safety team. Whether students have experienced a bully firsthand, observed bully-related activity, or have noticed a safety threat on campus, every student with the Safe2SpeakUp app will have the ability to let the right people know about it.
Students using the Safe2SpeakUp app can confidently report safety risks with the option of remaining anonymous. This provision allows students to do the right thing while remaining discreet. The app also features message groups that allow students to receive emergency information directly from the safety team.
Safety is a shared responsibility, and having every student and staff on board will help us keep our school safer. We encourage you to talk with your children about the Safe2SpeakUp app.
How to get started:
1. Your child can download the Safe2SpeakUP app from Google Play, Apple’s App Store, or Chrome Web Store.
2. Their account username and password will be created through our school’s implementation process, and school administration will be able to provide them with their username and password.
3. After logging in, they will automatically have access to the tips and message groups available. They will also receive emergency communications from school on their smartphone if an incident occurs.
To report an incident online, please click the link below: