School Board Policies
The Highland Park ISD Board Policies Online manual is divided into the following sections:
A: Basic District FoundationsPolicies can be further divided into the following categories:
(LEGAL) policies which are reviewed by the Board of Trustees and summarize current state and federal law on a topic;
(LOCAL) policies which are approved by the Board of Trustees and outline local board mandates regarding the governance of district operations (the decisions as to “what” will happen in the district);
(REGULATION) which are reviewed by the Board of Trustees, approved by school district administrators and are locally developed, enforceable administrative documents to implement policy with rules, procedures, plans and guidelines (the “how” of day-to-day district administration);
(EXHIBIT) which are reviewed by the Board of Trustees and contain forms, notices, flowcharts and resolutions to represent best practices in legally sensitive policy areas.
The Highland Park ISD Regulation Library lists all district regulations and exhibits, many of which are created and maintained by the district administration.
Follow the links below for board policies: