The education sites and articles listed below represent a gathering of ideas from PC HOPE committee members. These sites are not affiliated with HPISD or PC HOPE but instead are suggested as sites providing helpful information. Select the drop-down arrow next to a section for more information.
Supporting a Child Through a Mental Health Crisis
A mental health crisis is formally defined as a time when there’s an imminent risk of a child hurting themselves or someone else. (Imminent means it’s likely to happen right now or soon.) A crisis might also be a time when you or other adults in the situation can’t help the child with their behavior and need help calming things down. If a child is in crisis, consider their safety and the safety of anyone else around. Find more information on mental health crises at Navigate Life Texas.
Information about Minority Needs
- Minority Mental Health Awareness Month - July
- Addressing Behavioral Health Disparities through Faith-Health Partnerships Video
- Latino Immigrant Parents: Accessing Mental Health Services for their Adolescents
- Migration and Mental Health: Latino Youth and Parents Adapting to Life in the American South
- Celebrating Mental Health in Diverse Communities Video
Information from Mental Health First Aid USA
Information from the National Empowerment Center
Information from Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
- National Recovery Month - September
- Integrated Behavioral Health in Migrant and Community Health Centers Presentation
- SAMHSA-HRSA Behavioral Health Integration for PCPs Presentation
- SAMHSA Behavioral Health Equity
- SAMHSA New Behavioral Health Publications
- Understanding Depression: Caregiver
- Community Conversations About Mental Health: Discussion Guide
Information from Mental Health America
- Mental Health Screening Tools
- Self-Help Tools
- 31 Tips to Boost Your Mental Health
- Mental Health Month - May
- Toolkit – “Behavioral Health Managed Care Entities: Important Partners in Promoting Community Inclusion”
- A Practical Guide for People with Mental Health Conditions Who Want to Work
- Managing Risk in Community Integration: Promoting the Dignity of Risk and Supporting Personal Choice
Texas-Specific Mental Health Resources
- Here for Texas
- Connecting Body & Mind: A Resource Guide to Integrated Health Care in Texas & the U.S
- DSHS Mental Health & Substance Use InfoTXSDC Self-Directed Care Presentations
- North Texas Behavioral Health Authority
- National Institutes of Health “Brother, You're on My Mind: Changing the National Dialogue Regarding Mental Health Among African American Men”
- Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance of Texas
- NAMI Texas
Mental Health Organizations/Tools/Resources
- National Network to Eliminate Disparities in Behavioral Health
- National Coalition for Mental Health Recovery
- Active Minds
- No Health without Mental Health
- Your Life Your Voice (BoysTown) Has chat, text and email option for support
- Minds on the Edge Video Tool
- International Foundation for Research and Education on Depression (iFred)
- Anxiety and Depression Association of America
- The Integrated Treatment Tool: A Tool to Evaluate the Integration of Primary and Behavioral Health Care