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Safety protocols updated

Beginning May 28, masks and face coverings will be optional at all Highland Park ISD facilities and events. The decision to adjust current safety protocols aligns with Governor Greg Abbott’s Executive Order released May 18.
With summer programming beginning as early as June 1, the change in protocols a few days prior to the mandate from Governor Abbott allows all HPISD summer events to begin operations under the new guidelines. Masks and face coverings will be optional for the HPHS graduation ceremony at SMU Ford Stadium and all summer activities including classes, camps, professional development and Academy for Lifelong Learning (ALL) offerings.
Individuals are always welcome to wear a mask at all HPISD facilities. The district will continue to clean and sanitize buildings, encourage frequent handwashing practices and recognize the benefits of social distancing. The district will also continue to offer hand sanitizer in the main areas of all campuses and facilities.
The district has been encouraged by the number of positive developments this spring regarding public health. There has been a significant decline in the number of COVID-19 cases in our community and in our schools. Vaccines continue to become more readily available to those 12 and older who choose to be vaccinated.
Masks and face coverings, as announced last week, will be optional for the start of the 2021-22 school year. Thank you for your patience, understanding and grace during this extraordinary school year.
Superintendent Dr. Tom Trigg Message, Posted May 11
Dr. Tom TriggAs we approach the end of the 2020-21 school year, I cannot help but be gratified by the way our students, staff, parents and community have rallied around HPISD this entire school year. Our staff and students have shown tremendous resilience throughout the pandemic by continuing to teach and learn at the highest levels despite a very challenging situation for us all. None of us will ever forget this year

I am very encouraged that, as part of our collective efforts as a community, state and country, we appear to be turning a corner in terms of public health. In addition, the number of teachers and staff in HPISD who have been vaccinated continues to rise while the number of positive cases of COVID-19 in HPISD continues to fall.
Given all of these positive developments, we are pleased to share with you that beginning next school year, masks and face coverings will be optional at all district campuses and facilities for class and other events. I know that we are all anxious for a return to normal.
Thank you for your patience, understanding and grace during this extraordinary school year, and we look forward to continuing to work with you to build on our proud tradition of excellence in HPISD.