Grade K-4 Report Card Information for Parents
Highland Park ISD utilizes a standards-based report card for students in elementary schools. The report card measures a child’s progress toward mastery of key objectives/standards of the HPISD curriculum. These objectives and standards are outlined in the specific Grade Level Assessed Learning Standards document included with this letter. This approach provides the vehicle for reporting a child’s learning in more specific terms.
Standards-based reporting articulates clear subject-specific grade-level objectives for learning to which a child is striving. Using the scale below for the content areas, teachers will communicate where a child resides on a learning continuum for the year by indicating his/her progress toward mastery of each identified grade level standard.
Important notes about the scale:
- Reporting is based on the end-of-year grade-level expectation; therefore, mastery would be expected at the end of the school year.
- A “2” represents the expected target for the majority of the school year as this indicates the child is progressing toward the target as expected. Until the student has completely mastered the grade level standard, he/she will not receive a “3”.
- Details of what is expected at mastery level can be found on the list of assessed standards for mathematics, science, and social studies. See the Family Curriculum Guides for more information.
- A “1” will prompt additional communication from the classroom teacher so parents will better understand their child’s learning journey.
*It is rare that a child will receive a “4”; this score will prompt additional communication from the classroom teacher to discuss ways he/she is meeting the child’s unique learning needs.
Students in TAG math will not receive a 4. Scores of 1-3 in TAG math will be based on the compacted learning standards rather than the enrolled grade level.
For elective classes or “specials,” students will also receive feedback on the scale listed above when the learning target is a content-specific standard. Please note that when the target is based on participation and behavior, students may receive a 3 for grade-level appropriate participation and behavior throughout the year. Participation and behavior are approached differently than end-of-year objectives/standards.
For more information about your child’s progress, contact his/her classroom teacher.