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Board Responsibilities

The Board of Trustees is entrusted to set policy and promote educational excellence. The mission, vision, beliefs, and strategic objectives for the district have been established and approved by the Board of Trustees and provide expectations for student achievement and district operations and performance.  Using the strategic objectives, the District Leadership Council proposes yearly measurable goals for district performance to the Board of Trustee for their approval. 

Board of Trustees Responsibilities

Fiscal and Facilities Management

  • Optimize district efforts to seek and secure new sources of revenue support.
  • Apply the efficiencies and economies of scale to all district programs and staff.
  • Manage real estate acquisitions for long-term positive impact for the district.
  • Ensure facilities for academics and extra-curricular activities are managed and maintained for the benefit of students.

Student Performance and Achievement

  • Enhance and augment the focus on professional learning as the venue to effect change in the instructional program, school climate and student support systems of the district.
  • Promote continuous improvement and post-secondary success in district performance by monitoring standardized assessments of performance and growth including college-ready indicators as measured by Advanced Placement (AP), PSAT, SAT, and ACT exams.
  • Continue to implement and evaluate strategies that address student participation and involvement in school-related activities. 

Personnel Management

  • Maximize continuing district efforts to recruit and retain top-quality candidates for all positions. 

Governance and Board/Superintendent Relations

  • Create, modify, implement, and evaluate appropriate systems, processes, and procedures to ensure progress towards attainment of the mission, vision, beliefs, and strategic objectives and full compliance with all regulations.
  • Communicate and model the valued characteristics of honor, respect and trust as appropriate and acceptable behaviors for Board and Superintendent relationships and all invested stakeholders of the Highland Park Independent School District.